vgfx::Drawer Member List

This is the complete list of members for vgfx::Drawer, including all inherited members.
drawBezier(IN const bezier::curve_t &curve)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
drawLine(IN const point_t &p0, IN const point_t &p1)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
drawQuadBezier(IN const bezier::quad_bezier_t &qb)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
drawRect(IN const rect_t &r)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
drawText(IN const rect_t &r, IN const char *text)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
endPath(void)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
fillRect(IN const rect_t &r)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
getBoundingRect(IN const char *text, OUT rect_t &r)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
getRootTransform(OUT xform_2d_t &T)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
isPrinter(void) const =0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
popBrush(IN dword_t key)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
pushBrush(IN dword_t key)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
refreshBrush(void)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
setBrushAttribute(IN eBrushAttribute attribute, IN const char *value)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
setClipRect(IN float left, IN float top, IN float right, IN float bottom)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
setTransform(IN const xform_2d_t &T)=0vgfx::Drawer [pure virtual]
~Drawer(void)vgfx::Drawer [virtual]