netlib::address_t | Holds the IP address and port of a remote host |
AdvisoryLock | Advisory locking object WARNING: has no effect in Windows |
AlphanumericValidator | Validator that allows alphanumerics only |
AutoResourceRegister | |
dialog::border_size_t | |
quake::Bsp | The 3D space-partitioned map |
quake::BspVersion | Bsp version object |
circular_buffer_t< T > | Simple circular buffer |
col_data_t | |
objtree::color_t | |
pgmppm::color_t | |
quake::color_t | Color struct TODO: centralize this somewhere? now redundant with glut::color_t |
COM_ptr< T > | COM_ptr<T>: smart pointer to automatically de-reference COM objects |
CommandLine | Command Line object |
CommonFileValidator | Validator that allows a subset of characters thought to be useful in filepaths |
netlib::connection_info_t | |
dialog::ContainerRequest | Object to help construct dialog request streams |
bezier::control_points_t | Bezier curve specified by control points |
converse::ConversationHost | Anyone that wants to start a conversation must supply one of these |
converse::ConversationManager | Object that manages conversations on the server This object must be threadsafe! |
converse::ConversationRouter | Object that knows how to route conversation dialogs |
counter_ref | Put one of these on the stack to automatically increment/decrement a counter |
bezier::curve_t | Paramaterized bezier curve |
graph::DAG | Directed Acyclic Graph |
hash_db::Database | Hash_db::Database |
Datahash | Basic datahash object |
perf::DebugTimer | |
DefaultSize | |
crypto::DESKey | Fast symmetric encryption |
distribution_t< T > | Basic distribution template |
vgfx::Drawer | Clients must implement this if they want to draw |
dialog::Drawer | This is the object that is capable of rendering dialogs |
kdtree::Node::dynamic_entry_t | |
dialog::Element | |
quake::entity_t | Game entity in the bsp map |
kdtree::Entry | Base class for kd-tree entries. Clients can inherit from this |
nstream::Entry | Generic entry in the namespace. This is either a Folder or File |
kdtree::Node::entry_rec_t | |
netlib::envelope_t | An envelope describes from where and how a remote message arrived |
quake::face_t | Polygon face in the bsp map |
dialog::Factory | Clients will need to provide an object that implements this interface if they want to provide their own custom-defined dialog::Element objects |
nstream::File | Atom in the namespace: a File is a named object from which you can request read-only streams |
bezier::fit_t | |
FixedBuffer< Sizer, Validator > | Template that supports strings of a fixed buffer size |
nstream::Folder | Folder in the namespace: contains other stream::Entry objects |
dialog::font_size_t | Sizing information about how a font is rendered |
objtree::font_t | |
free_list_t< T > | Simple free list manager |
frustum_t | Basic frustum object |
glut_color_t | Colors used for GLUT (OpenGL utility library). 0-127 max component values |
gzstreambase | |
gzstreambuf | |
hash_value_t | |
hfield::Heightfield | A logical heightfield |
vgfx::hit_result_t | Hit_result_t -- returned from hit detection |
dialog::Host | Clients will need to provide an object that implements this interface if they want callbacks etc |
igzstream | Input stream for reading from gzip'd data |
media::image_t | This is a basic image object |
media::ImageLoader | Anyone wanting to support loading an image type must provide this interface |
img_color_t | Standard 4-byte color value for images. Byte ranges 0-255 |
vgfx::init_bezier_t | |
vgfx::init_dxdy_t | |
vgfx::init_line_t | |
vgfx::init_point_t | |
vgfx::init_primitive_t | |
vgfx::init_quad_t | |
vgfx::init_rect_t | |
vgfx::init_text_t | |
xdrbuf::Input | Class for reading data from the network |
netlib::ip_addr_t | Representation of IP address (abstracts IPv4 and IPv6) |
threadsafe_map< K, T >::iterator_t | |
threadsafe_multimap< K, T >::iterator_t | |
threadsafe_queue< T >::iterator_t | |
StringBuffer::iterator_t | |
layout::layout_info_t | |
quake::leaf_t | Leaf in the BSP tree |
quake::leafface_t | Leaf face in the BSP tree |
objtree::List | How you interact with this object is the key to the objtree library |
i18n::locale_t | Simple struct for managing a locale specification |
quake::lump_object_t | Object in a lump |
i18n::Manager | |
dialog::Manager | This is the object that manages dialogs |
nstream::Manager | Object that manages a particular space of named streams |
map | |
matrix4_t | 4x4 matrix object |
quake::meshvert_t | Mesh vertex |
netlib::MessageBuffer | |
vgfx::meta_check_t | |
vgfx::MetaKeyValueChecker | |
media::MidiEvent | |
media::MidiFile | |
media::MidiReceiver | |
mlock | Class that automatically locks and unlocks pthread mutexes To use mlocks in code:
- create smart_mutex that will be locked
- create an mlock object and pass the mutex in the constructor
- on destruction, the mlock will automatically unlock the mutex
multimap | |
kdtree::Node | Root (and node!) of a kd-tree This class is expected to be used as the core object for rendering and other CPU-intensive tasks, so it therefore has no virtual methods |
quake::node_t | Node in the BSP tree Note that the indexing scheme is unusual:
- A non-negative index refers to a node
- A negative index is a leaf, -(leaf + 1)
vgfx::NodeChecker | NodeChecker -- base class that can be used for walk validation see the bottom of this file for some useful validators |
NullValidator | Validator that allows anything |
layout::object_t | |
vgfx::ObjectMap | ObjectMap is a physical manifestation of a vector graphics 2D area |
ogzstream | Output stream for writing gzip'd data |
xdrbuf::Output | Class for writing data to the network |
xdrbuf::PackletHeader | A PackletHeader describes a given packlet (what sort of data it is, and how much data is there) |
placement_t | |
plane_t | Basic 2D plane in 3D space |
kdtree::plane_t | Kdtree plane is always axis-aligned |
quake::plane_t | 2D plane in the BSP tree |
point2d_t< T > | Template for two-dimensional point |
point3d_t | Basic 3D point object |
threadpool::Pool | Base threadpool object |
vgfx::Primitive | Base class from which all vector graphics objects inherit |
prism_base_t< Size > | Prism is a 3D object, basically a polygon in some plane with some extent in the plane normal direction |
objtree::property_set_t | Set of properties |
objtree::property_t | Abstraction of a general property of an object |
vgfx::PushPopBrush | Helper class to throw on the stack |
bezier::quad_bezier_t | Quadratic bezier curve |
quaternion_t | |
timer::Queue | This is a queue to which Timer objects can be added |
netrq::Queue | Basic network request queue |
rect2d_t< T > | Templated 2D rectangle |
rect3d_t | Standard 3D axis-aligned rectangle (also called axis-aligned bounding box, AABB) |
netrq::Request | Base class from which clients can inherit |
vgfx::Request | Used to easily construct vgfx Requests |
crypto::RSAKey | Private/public key pair |
crypto::RSAPublicKey | Public key suitable for encrypting |
smart_dir | Smart directory handle |
smart_fd | Smart file descriptor -- only use this for low-level objects! You probably want to use nstream or iostreams instead |
smart_mutex | Class that automatically creates and destroys mutexes |
smart_ptr< T > | Auto-destructing pointer class |
stack_array< T, N > | |
nstream::Stream | Instance of a read-only stream |
StringBuffer | |
dialog::TextDrawer | For testing, we provide a text-only drawer |
quake::texture_path_t | Texture information |
ThirtyTwoCharacterSizer | Example sizer that allows strings of up to 31 characters (so the buffer itself is 32 characters) |
threadsafe_counter | Simple synchronized counter |
threadsafe_map< K, T > | Threadsafe map object |
threadsafe_multimap< K, T > | A very simple map object that is safe for multiple threads to use at the same time |
threadsafe_queue< T > | |
threadsafe_refcount | |
perf::time_t | Yes, my own time_t for convenience in the perf library |
perf::Timer | Timer class -- just throw one of these on the stack with a unique name |
timer::Timer | Base class from which you can inherit and construct your own timers |
objtree::Tree | Root object for discovering objects |
trimesh::Trimesh | |
utf8_char_t | UTF-8 character |
quake::vertex_t | Vertex information |
vgfx::visit_result_t | Hit detection results |
xform_2d_t | |