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pgmppm.cpp File Reference

#include "pgmppm.h"
#include "common/wave_ex.h"
#include "perf/perf.h"
#include "util/token_stream.h"
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namespace  pgmppm


bool pgmppm::readPgm (IO std::istream &in, IN notify_size_fn notify, IN pgm_write_pixel_fn write_pixel, IN void *context)

void pgmppm::writePgm (IO std::ostream &out, IN int width, IN int height, IN int max_gray,IN pgm_pixel_fn fn, IN void *context)
 write a pgm file to an output stream
void pgmppm::writePpm (IO std::ostream &out, IN int width, IN int height, IN int max_color, IN ppm_pixel_fn fn, IN void *context)


static const int pgmppm::s_maxGray = 256
static const int pgmppm::s_maxColor = 256
static const char * pgmppm::s_magicPGM = "P5"
static const char * pgmppm::s_magicPPM = "P6"