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bsp-version.cpp File Reference

#include "bsp-version.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "perf/perf.h"
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namespace  quake


#define LUMP_META(type)   { eLump_ ## type , #type },
#define ADDLUMP(type)   lumps.push_back( eLump_ ## type );


enum  quake::eEndian {
  quake::eLittleEndian = 1,
  quake::eBigEndian = 2,
  quake::eEndian_Invalid = 0


void quake::littleEndianToHostEndian (IO byte_t *raw)
static eBspVendor quake::parseVendor (IO std::istream &in)
static eBspVersion quake::parseVersion (IN eBspVendor vendor, IN int val)

const char * quake::getLumpName (IN eLumpType type)
 for debugging
int quake::readInt (IO std::istream &stream)
 read an integer. These are stored as little-endian in BSP files.
float quake::readFloat (IO std::istream &stream)
 read a float. These are stored as little-endian in BSP files.
point3d_t quake::readPoint3d (IO std::istream &stream)
 read a vector/point (helper function using readFloat() above)


static const lump_meta_t quake::s_lumpMap []

Define Documentation

#define LUMP_META (   type  )     { eLump_ ## type , #type },

Definition at line 44 of file bsp-version.cpp.

#define ADDLUMP (   type  )     lumps.push_back( eLump_ ## type );

Definition at line 242 of file bsp-version.cpp.