Public Member Functions

converse::ConversationHost Class Reference
[Conversation Library]

anyone that wants to start a conversation must supply one of these. More...

#include <conversation.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual int getCurrentDialogIdTS (void)=0
 The host should return the current dialog ID -- 0 to end.
virtual void handleReplyTS (IN int dialogId, IN const Datahash *reply)=0
 This method is called when the player has completed a given dialog and has sent the reply back to the ConversationManager.
virtual std::string getDialogDataTS (void)=0
 Host should return the raw dialog data for the current dialog ID (dialog data is a text string -- see Dialog Library).

virtual ~ConversationHost (void) throw ()
virtual bool updateState (void)
 This is called "frequently", on the order of 100 times/second, although no particular rate is guaranteed.

Detailed Description

anyone that wants to start a conversation must supply one of these.

Note that all methods must be threadsafe!

Definition at line 151 of file conversation.h.

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