Public Member Functions

dialog::Host Class Reference
[Dialog Library]

Clients will need to provide an object that implements this interface if they want callbacks etc. More...

#include <dialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for dialog::Host:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void notifySubmit (IN const char *id, IN const Datahash *data)=0

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~Host (void) throw ()

Detailed Description

Clients will need to provide an object that implements this interface if they want callbacks etc.

NOTE: the dialog manager does NOT keep a reference to a host object! The caller is responsible for ensuring that host objects last at least as long as the dialogs!

Definition at line 82 of file dialog.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void dialog::Host::notifySubmit ( IN const char *  id,
IN const Datahash data 
) [pure virtual]

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