Public Member Functions

xdrbuf::Input Class Reference
[XDR Buffer APIs]

class for reading data from the network More...

#include <xdrbuf.h>

Inheritance diagram for xdrbuf::Input:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void reset (IN const byte_t *stream, IN int bytes)=0
 provide stream reading object with the raw data to use.
virtual bool endOfStream (void)=0
 have we read all data?
virtual PackletHeader getNextPackletHeader (void)=0
 retrieves the next packlet header (fails if not at a packlet header)
virtual void readInt32s (OUT int32_t *buffer, IN int count)=0
 read int32s (fails if you didn't just read an Int32 packlet header)
virtual void readFloats (OUT float *buffer, IN int count)=0
 read floats (fails if you didn't just read a float packlet header)
virtual void readString (OUT char *buffer, IN int length)=0
 read strings (fails if you didn't just read a string packlet header)

virtual ~Input (void) throw ()
static smart_ptr< Inputcreate (void)

Detailed Description

class for reading data from the network

Definition at line 187 of file xdrbuf.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xdrbuf::Input::~Input ( void   )  throw () [virtual]

Definition at line 43 of file xdrbuf.cpp.

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