Classes |
class | circular_buffer_t< T > |
| Simple circular buffer. More...
class | distribution_t< T > |
| Basic distribution template. More...
class | smart_fd |
| smart file descriptor -- only use this for low-level objects! You probably want to use nstream or iostreams instead. More...
class | smart_dir |
| smart directory handle. More...
class | AdvisoryLock |
| advisory locking object WARNING: has no effect in Windows More...
class | FixedBuffer< Sizer, Validator > |
| Template that supports strings of a fixed buffer size. More...
class | free_list_t< T > |
| Simple free list manager. More...
struct | utf8_char_t |
| a UTF-8 character. More...
class | stack_array< T, N > |
class | StringBuffer |
Modules |
| Comma Separated Values |
| Wrapper for comma-separated-value (csv) files.
Functions |
| smart_fd::smart_fd (IN int fd) throw () |
| smart_fd::~smart_fd (void) throw () |
void | smart_fd::clear (void) throw () |
bool | smart_fd::open (IN const char *path, IN int flags) |
| smart_fd::operator int (void) const throw () |
| smart_fd::operator bool (void) const throw () |
bool | smart_fd::operator! (void) const throw () |
| smart_dir::~smart_dir (void) throw () |
void | smart_dir::clear (void) throw () |
| smart_dir::operator bool (void) const throw () |
void | smart_dir::open (IN const char *path) |
void | smart_dir::close (void) throw () |
bool | smart_dir::getNextEntry (OUT struct dirent &entry) |
| AdvisoryLock::AdvisoryLock (void) throw () |
| AdvisoryLock::~AdvisoryLock (void) throw () |
bool | AdvisoryLock::attemptLock (IN const char *filename, IN int operation) throw () |
void | AdvisoryLock::unlock (void) throw () |
enum | eUUIDConstants {
eUUID_Length = 40,
eUUID_Invalid = 0
} |
const char * | generateUUID (OUT char *buffer) |
| helper method to create a UUID.
int | GetMonthFromString (IN const char *month) throw () |
void | getDisplayableDateFromNetTime (IN long time, OUT std::string &display) |
const char * | getDateString (IN long timestamp) |
void | getDateStringFromNetTime (IN long time, OUT std::string &display) |
long | getNetTimeFromDateString (IN const char *date) throw () |
int | getWeekdayFromNetTime (IN long time) throw () |
const char * | GetWeekday (IN int weekday_index) throw () |
const char * | GetMonth (IN int month_index) throw () |
long | getDayBucket (IN long timestamp) throw () |
long | getWeekBucket (IN long timestamp) throw () |
long | getMonthBucket (IN long timestamp) throw () |
long | getYearBucket (IN long timestamp) throw () |
std::string | getDayBucketName (IN long day_bucket) |
std::string | getWeekBucketName (IN long week_bucket) |
std::string | getMonthBucketName (IN long month_bucket) |
std::string | getYearBucketName (IN long year_bucket) |
const char * | GetExtension (IN const char *filename) throw () |
bool | hasExtension (IN const char *filename, IN const char *extension) throw () |
| returns true if the given filename ends with the specified string (NOT case-sensitive)
void | GetFileRoot (IN const char *filename, OUT std::string &file_root) |
void | GetParentDirectory (IN const char *filename, OUT std::string &directory) throw () |
const char * | getTopDirectory (IN const char *filename, OUT std::string &topDir) |
| retrieves the highest known folder for the given file.
std::string | getPathRelativeTo (IN const char *startFilename, IN const char *relFilename) |
| given a starting filename, and then a path relative to that, return the full path of the file.
void | appendPath (IN const char *parentDirectory, IN const char *nextPath, OUT std::string &path) |
| given a starting path (directory), append another piece of the path
const char * | GetFilename (IN const char *path) throw () |
void | getTempfile (IN const char *path, OUT std::string &tempfile) throw () |
void | getUserHomePath (OUT std::string &path) |
bool | ContainsWhitespace (IN const char *test) throw () |
bool | doesPathExist (IN const char *path) throw () |
void | createEmptyFileIfDoesNotExist (IN const char *path) throw () |
void | walkDirectoryTree (IN const char *rootDirectory, IN const char *matchExtension, OUT VecString &paths) |
| does a recursive directory walk, and returns all paths relative to root
#define | THROW_ERROR(error, args) |
| throws a (hopefully) descriptive error based on errno passed in
void | getNextToken (IO std::istream &stream, OUT std::string &token, IN bool respect_quotes=true, IN bool *eof=NULL) |
void | expectToken (IO std::istream &stream, IN const char *expected) |
float | readFloat (IN std::istream &stream, IO std::string &token) |
int | readInteger (IN std::istream &stream, IO std::string &token) |
short | readShort (IN std::istream &stream, IO std::string &token) |
long | readLong (IN std::istream &stream, IO std::string &token) |
Very low-level utility APIs and objects.
More or less a grab bag of parsing, file, and date-based helper methods.