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bezier Namespace Reference
[Bezier Curves]


struct  curve_t
 paramaterized bezier curve More...
struct  control_points_t
 bezier curve specified by control points More...
struct  fit_t
struct  quad_bezier_t
 quadratic bezier curve More...


typedef point2d_t< float > point_t
typedef rect2d_t< float > rect_t
typedef std::vector< point_tvec_point_t
typedef std::vector
< quad_bezier_t
typedef std::vector< curve_tpath_t
typedef path_t cubic_path_t


static int findRoots (IN float a, IN float b, IN float c, OUT float *roots) throw ()
static void checkBoundaries (IO float &min, IO float &max, IN float value) throw ()
void getRect (IN const curve_t &curve, OUT rect_t &rect) throw ()
void scale (IO curve_t &curve, IN float factor) throw ()
static float writeVal (IN float x, IN float eps) throw ()
void write (IN const curve_t &curve, OUT std::string &value, IN float eps) throw ()
void read (IN const char *value, OUT curve_t &curve)
void getCurveFromControlPoints (IN const control_points_t &cp, OUT curve_t &b) throw ()
void getControlPointsFromCurve (IN const curve_t &b, OUT control_points_t &cp) throw ()
static point_t getTangent (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN int i) throw ()
void getQuadPathFromRawPoints (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN float ds, OUT quad_path_t &path)
 given a set of points, return the best fit path of quadratic beziers
void getCubicPathFromRawPoints (IN const point_t *in_p, IN int nPoints, IN float ds, OUT cubic_path_t &path)
static void getCubic (IN float x1, IN float x2, IN float x3, OUT float &a, OUT float &b, OUT float &c) throw ()
static void leastSquaresFit (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN const point_t &q, IN const point_t &r, OUT control_points_t &cp) throw ()
static void getQR (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, OUT point_t &q, OUT point_t &r) throw ()
void addPathSegments (IN const point_t *p, IN const point_t &q, IN const point_t &r, IN int nPoints, IN float tolerance, IO path_t &path)
void fitPoints (IN const float *x, IN int nPoints, IN float slope, OUT fit_t &fit) throw ()
int getCuspIndices (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, OUT int **cusps)
float getFitQuality (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN const curve_t &curve) throw ()
void fitPath (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN float tolerance, OUT path_t &path)
void respacePath (IN const point_t *p, IN int nPoints, IN float dt, OUT point_t **out_p, OUT int &newPoints)
float getCoefficient (IN const float *x, IN int nPoints, IN int degree) throw ()
void removeCoefficient (IO float *x, IN int nPoints, IN float coeff, IN int degree) throw ()


static const float s_eps = 1.0e-8

Typedef Documentation

typedef point2d_t<float> bezier::point_t

Definition at line 62 of file bezier.h.

typedef std::vector<point_t> bezier::vec_point_t

Definition at line 38 of file fit.cpp.

typedef std::vector<quad_bezier_t> bezier::quad_path_t

Definition at line 57 of file fit.h.

typedef std::vector<curve_t> bezier::path_t

Definition at line 73 of file fit.h.

Definition at line 75 of file fit.h.

Function Documentation

static int bezier::findRoots ( IN float  a,
IN float  b,
IN float  c,
OUT float *  roots 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 54 of file bezier.cpp.

static void bezier::checkBoundaries ( IO float &  min,
IO float &  max,
IN float  value 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 115 of file bezier.cpp.

static float bezier::writeVal ( IN float  x,
IN float  eps 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 217 of file bezier.cpp.

static point_t bezier::getTangent ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN int  i 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 48 of file fit.cpp.

void bezier::getQuadPathFromRawPoints ( IN const point_t *  in_p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  ds,
OUT quad_path_t &  path 

given a set of points, return the best fit path of quadratic beziers

void bezier::getCubicPathFromRawPoints ( IN const point_t *  in_p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  ds,
OUT cubic_path_t &  path 
static void bezier::getCubic ( IN float  x1,
IN float  x2,
IN float  x3,
OUT float &  a,
OUT float &  b,
OUT float &  c 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 213 of file fit.cpp.

static void bezier::leastSquaresFit ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN const point_t &  q,
IN const point_t &  r,
OUT control_points_t &  cp 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 239 of file fit.cpp.

static void bezier::getQR ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
OUT point_t &  q,
OUT point_t &  r 
) throw () [static]

Definition at line 369 of file fit.cpp.

void bezier::addPathSegments ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN const point_t &  q,
IN const point_t &  r,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  tolerance,
IO path_t &  path 

Definition at line 391 of file fit.cpp.

void bezier::fitPoints ( IN const float *  x,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  slope,
OUT fit_t &  fit 
) throw ()
int bezier::getCuspIndices ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
OUT int **  cusps 
float bezier::getFitQuality ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN const curve_t &  curve 
) throw ()
void bezier::fitPath ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  tolerance,
OUT path_t &  path 
void bezier::respacePath ( IN const point_t *  p,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  dt,
OUT point_t **  out_p,
OUT int &  newPoints 
float bezier::getCoefficient ( IN const float *  x,
IN int  nPoints,
IN int  degree 
) throw ()
void bezier::removeCoefficient ( IO float *  x,
IN int  nPoints,
IN float  coeff,
IN int  degree 
) throw ()

Variable Documentation

const float bezier::s_eps = 1.0e-8 [static]

Definition at line 39 of file bezier.cpp.