Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

bezier::curve_t Struct Reference
[Bezier Curves]

paramaterized bezier curve More...

#include <bezier.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void clear (void) throw ()
void getPointAtT (IN float t, OUT point_t &pt) const throw ()

Public Attributes

float ax
float ay
float bx
float by
float cx
float cy
float x0
float y0

Detailed Description

paramaterized bezier curve

A (3rd-order) bezier curve is parameterized on t, 0 <= t <= 1, satisfying:

x(t) = ax * t^3 + bx * t^2 + cx * t + x0 y(t) = ay * t^3 + by * t^2 + cy * t + y0

Definition at line 73 of file bezier.h.

Member Function Documentation

void bezier::curve_t::clear ( void   )  throw () [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file bezier.h.

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